Planned Programs & Activities

Shantaben Vidhyabhavan is a home of activities for the region’s kindergarten through high school education, health, hygiene, and economic development needs. The objective is to bring the region to the 21st century for social and economic sustainability through enhanced education, training, and knowledge enrichment. The plan envisions several program areas, listed below:

  • The construction and operation of the buildings
  • Formal Education from Kindergarten to High School
  • Community Center

The Center’s activities includes:

  • Workshops, seminars and health camps to enhance awareness of appropriate hygiene, cleanliness, health awareness and prevention of diseases.
  • Vocational training to enrich economic earning for people. This will include sewing and embroidery, beauty parlor skills and other high demand professional skills.
  • Civic camps to teach cleanliness, methods and techniques of town governance and the basic civic duties and rights of all citizens.
  • A library with significant holdings of books, magazines, newspaper and audio-visual cassettes and DVDs.
  • Services for career development and assistance with information facilitating access to jobs.
  • Funding and services for education and health for the needy.
  • High speed internet and email availability to ensure high quality communication access to the world and the internet knowledge of technology and its power to enhance the quality of life.
  • Audio-visual presentations whose purpose is to increase access to knowledge, skills and tools available for better opportunities.
  • Formal education for kindergarten, Primary school, Secondary school.


Kinder garten & Primary Section
Secondary Section & Higher Secondary Section

The Education Committee has already been discussing curriculum, teaching methods, and tools for the Shantaben Vidhyabhavan educational complex. They have prepared a plan to provide quality education at all levels of Kindergarten to High school. The Education Committee has prepared a preliminary plan for education and the library.

Meanwhile we have:
  • Provided the best infrastructure for class rooms & students
  • Appointed trained teachers for Kindergarten and Primary
  • Equipped Kindergarten classes with toys, play equipment, reading aid and materials
  • Conducted remedial & tutoring classes for students of 9th & 10th grade in mathematics and English courses with outside tutors
  • Prepared a preliminary plan for the Library & its contents
  • Installed high speed internet access

Community Service:

Health and Hygiene program
Computer & Technologies
Youth Empowerment programme
Women Empowerment programme
Community Outreach

Health and Hygiene Program

The health and education program will improve education and increase funding for health and hygiene education, awareness and care. This will be achieved through health workshops, seminars and camps to educate and inform the community on issues of physical health and hygiene while also referring the extremely needy to professional services.

The specific services will include:

  • Access to health and hygiene information through the library as well as the computer and technology center.
  • Conducting periodic workshops and seminars
  • Health camps for free checkups and diagnosis.
  • Conducting hygiene and cleanliness camps twice a year.
  • Funding for surgical, clinical and medicine.
  • Providing adult and children seminars on specific topics.
  • Have a mobile medical van that reaches out to the populations of all villages, and brings healthcare to the home front.

Computer and Technology Program

The computer and technology program will introduce everyone to modern technology and the access it provides to knowledge and information for the betterment of health, education, and economic development. This program will also provide:

  • Access to knowledge, information and world news through audio-visual and computer tools.
  • Instruction for the use of tools such as the internet and email. Access to this allows us to keep in touch with the world and loved ones living in other parts of the world.
  • Access to economic information and knowledge to improve careers and business.

Education and Vocational Training Program

The program will enhance economic development and sustainability and will provide career development and assistance, global and national trade information and will conduct educational and skill building programs. This will be achieved by developing programs which are focused on building a strong sense of economic self-worth and independence.

The program activities will include:

  • Providing services to increase economic independence among women.
  • Conducting vocational training.
  • Providing technology and computer literacy education to enable career and knowledge growth.
  • Creating awareness regarding job and placement services.
  • Documentaries.
  • Movies with a message.
  • Children’s educational programs.
  • Tutoring Programs for higher education.
  • General educational and entertainment programs.

Special Women and Children Educational Program

This needs future planning and work. Although. We do have some projects that can begin, for example workspace for children to do homework, sewing class, classes for how to take care of newborns, etc.

Community Outreach Program

Community outreach is an important element for the center to impact everyone who needs service and long term sustainability of the center.

The outreach plan will include the following activities:

  • Reach out to the local and surrounding community to create awareness about the services offered by the center as well as assess needs for the future.
  • Recruiting young professionals and student volunteers who are knowledgeable, experienced and educated in particular areas of requirement.
  • Identifying and soliciting local and foreign private and public organizations that can contribute and become stakeholders.
  • Continuously informing all stakeholders about the activities, progress and needs.
  • Publish articles in magazines (e.g. chitralekhas and newspapers) for the center's activities.
  • Have schedules for all determined activities and displayed for everyone to see.
  • Conduct awareness campaigns in town for the Center.
  • Get school children involved in various activities.

Produce a leaflet/newsletter informing the community of the Center's activities and accomplishments